Refund Policy
Make sure to inspect your shipment for any damage before the delivery driver leaves your location. If your shipment is damaged, note the damage on the delivery receipt and have the driver sign it. Call us immediately at 800.453.8527 (M-F, 8-5 ). We will assist you in replacement orders upon notification.
If your order arrives correctly but you decide you want or need to return it, you will be responsible for all shipping charges, including return charges. You must contact us within two weeks to return these items. In some cases, you will be charged a restocking fee of 15-30% by the manufacturer. If you have any questions or are unsure about the items you are interested in buying call us before you order.
Important Note: Please keep the original cartons in which your order shipped until you are
satisfied that your merchandise is correct and undamaged. Most manufacturers will not accept
returns of merchandise not in the original packaging, and freight companies often ask to inspect
the packaging if a shipment is reported as damaged.